Sunday, December 10, 2017

What's Ed Watching

Everybody at the office, talks about what they are watching, on TV, iTunes, Netflix, Streaming, etc. I always like to chime in with the ones I like and why I like. Today, I watched the second episode of the Punisher on Netflix and I think I am going to like it.

The Punisher on Netflix

I found it after catching up on Season 7 of the Walking Dead. I really liked the first couple of seasons of Walking Dead. Especially since it was filmed down here in Atlanta and the idea of being a Zombie extra was appealing. I lost interest for a while, because it seemed like it had just started repeating the same themes. They find a new group of people, those people turn out to be bad, they are going to have to fight that group of people, they make bad decisions by lying to them, people die. I can't say Season 7 is any different, but Negan is off the scale evil and I do like the junkyard girl who speaks in sentence fragments. Kind of Mad Max theme. Road Warrior is one of my all time favorites. Racing around madly in the desert in search of fuel. Walking Dead on Netflix can be found at:

The Walking Dead on Netflix

I was really hoping Fear The Walking Dead would have been a new story, a new start, maybe exploring more of the spread of the virus and how society changed. We saw some of that but not the amount I hoped. I liked the first episode, where there was talk of some new weird virus spreading. Fear the Walking Dead is not on Netflix yet, but it is on Hulu:

Fear the Walking Dead on Hulu

If you can't tell already, watching regular TV, has almost completely stopped for me. I love streaming and binge watching and watching the weird subjects I am into on YouTube. Beyond YouTube, NetFlix and HBO, I am quickly losing interest in anything else. There is just so much good stuff out there and its commercial free. I can't watch regular TV for any length of time anymore. I just can't stand the commercials.

YouTube Red - I pay for YouTube Red. I think many will find once you do that you can't go back. Its YouTube without ads and they will pay the appropriate content provider.

Netflix - Everyone has Netflix, right?

HBO Now - Got to have Game of Thrones

That's my list of sources.

Game of Thrones is just an amazing series. The amount of detail and back story is incredible. In college, George RR Martin was one of my favorite authors, even though he didn't write a lot of science fiction. Tuf Voyaging, Dying of the Light, Starlady & Fast-Friend:

THIS story has no hero in it. It’s got Hairy Hal in it, and Golden Boy, and Janey Small andMayliss, and some other people who lived on Thisrock. Plus Crawney and Stumblecat and theMarquis, who’ll do well enough as villains.

One of the phrases that I go back to in real life - "THIS story has no hero in it."

When my cousin Gary was young, he loved reading science fiction, like I do. I would let him take whatever books of mine he wanted and he found he liked George RR Martin's works as much as I did and probably more. He started writing to him online. One Christmas, Gary gave me, one of the coolest Christmas presents. He sent George RR Martin of his books and asked him to sign it for me:

When George RR Martin started writing mostly fantasy, I lost interest. I've read too many fantasy stories where the situation that is impossible to get out of, is solved by finding some magic ruby or stone or staff or goblet. I really like science fiction and stories that are different, something I hadn't thought of before, but I want believable science fiction, where my mind wonders for days, how would I deal with that?

Game of Thrones is about the people and what they are going through with the added benefit of places and things we haven't thought of before. A medieval world where winter last for years and many people don't believe the stories they have heard about the others. The fantasy part of it grows over the seasons slowly.

I think they could have left the graphic sex out.

The detail of the world, is just amazing and the books are wonderful. I really don't want it to be over.

Then there's YouTube. YouTube is taking over my TV watching time. There's just so much on there.

Roadkill - YouTube - Automotive chaos and there's several occurrences of racing around madly in the desert (see a theme?).  They are just automotive hacker goofballs. For my birthday, my cousin Patrick put ghost stripes on my Mustang -- with a Roadkill logo.

He and I went to the Roadkill Zip Tie Drags and ran our Mustangs down the track many times.

The other thing on YouTube is just an abundance of documentaries. Most nights, I will fall asleep, watching documentaries. They can't be something too exciting, something I am too interested in, or something in the world I could do something about, because than I will be up all night thinking about it. But lots of history documentaries, I can be watching the first five minutes of and pass out.

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